The maternal instincts of a woman arise from the female hormones  within her body. The ovaries produce the hormones. The two major female hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Ovulation is the passing of the egg cell from the ovary to the womb ready for fertilization.

The main problem relating to menstrual flow are painful menstruation, stoppage of menstruation and excessive menstruation besides premenstrual tension. Most menstrual disorders are cause by nutritional deficiency which lead to improper metabolism of the female hormones.

The various disorders relating to menstrual flow are indicative of the low level of a woman’s  health and a toxic condition of her sex organism, which have been brought about by wrong habits of living, especially wrong dietary habits. The disorder being systemic in origin, can be tackled only by treating the system as a whole so as to remove the toxicity from the body and build up the general health level of the sufferer.

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